More Text, Less Fluff: Words in Web Design

More textWonder why some websites now use more words and less pictures instead? Words, not just fluff, grab people’s attention. If your flashy website doesn’t work, you may want to add more words to it.

Having fluff may spice up your website, but it may also work against you. Focusing more on words is important for many reasons:

Preventing mixed signals

Fluff can liven up your website as they can convey what you can’t imagine with words. Too much fluff may confuse the viewers. Your website will look like a puzzle to them. Adding words may improve their understanding on what the pictures convey. Website design companies in Denver stress that sites should send your message to your customers effectively. If your products and services are uncommon, add easy words and fewer pictures so people can understand what you’re trying to say.

Not always fitting

If you’re promoting legal services, for instance, people expect many serious terms on the website. Will people take your services seriously if your website looks like graffiti? Chances are, they won’t give it a second thought. Some companies find that less is more in web design. Words have a way of making websites look simple, professional and elegant. You can play with words to make them appropriate for your website.

For people’s convenience

Fluff may attract the attention of your viewers at first, but words will determine whether you’ll have customers at the end of the day. Sites with lots of fluff take time to load because of the large file size. It may annoy readers who usually search for things in seconds. If your website is fluffy, don’t expect that they’ll buy anything. Putting more words in strategic places makes it easier for viewers to navigate and find what they’re looking for.

A compelling website not only needs fluff, but the right mix of words as well. Flashy stuff may add design, but not substance. Words can communicate directly to your viewers, thus making them convenient to use.

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