Webinars: Key Elements & Best Practices
Ah, webinars. Holding a business conference and providing training with a select pool of individuals have never been easier before this technology came into the...
More Text, Less Fluff: Words in Web Design
Wonder why some websites now use more words and less pictures instead? Words, not just fluff, grab people’s attention. If your flashy website doesn’t work,...
Designing Disasters: 3 Non-SEO Friendly Web Design Techniques to Avoid
Every element of a website contributes to its SEO value in one way or another. In the case of web design, it is responsible for...
The Evolution of Outdoor Advertising: How It Helps SMEs
Think outdoor advertising is only for huge companies, such as Google or Vogue? Think again. Small and medium businesses five decades ago were not like...
The Ideal Manager: Essential Trainings for Enhanced Project Efficiency
The success of a project often depends on the capabilities of the handling manager. As part of the person’s daily activities, they have to make...
The Iconic Product? Microsoft Bids Farewell to Clip Art
Tech giant Microsoft finally says goodbye to the expansive Clip Art library from its Office suite of software. Iconic Picture Library The move marks the...
Breaking The Internet: Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ Breaks YouTube Limit
It has been more than two years, but South Korean singer Psy’s famous music video “Gangnam Style” has been viewed so many times that it...
Flagging Abusive Content: Twitter Announces A New Way To Report Harassment
Microblogging service Twitter has finally announced the much-awaited big changes in its website, making users deal with harassment easier than before. Anti-troll Tools The company...
Google for Kids? Google Announces Plans To Launch Child-Friendly Search Engines
Search engine giant Google has revealed its plans to make its services more child-friendly, as more and more kids today are getting exposed to non-kid-friendly...
Order Food Without Saying a Word: Pizza Hut Reveals Mind-Reading Menu
Pizza Hut recently announced some great, mouth-watering news for food lovers. The American restaurant chain and international franchise now offers a tablet-based menu, which notes...