Technology News

Is Hacking a By-Product of the Success of Technology?

The entire world depends on technology in different ways. In big sectors such as retail and natural resources, IT-based innovations and robotics advanced the business approach tenfold. Moreover, manpower is essential to look over the software that is programmed to do the job by itself. Even in the small things, people let their gadgets do […]

old hands typing
Digital Marketing

How to Make Your Website Friendly and Engaging for Seniors

The Internet has never been this accessible. Customers young and old are scouring the World Wide Web looking for informative, engaging, and relatable content. As a brand manager, you need to identify the audience that your business needs to capture. It could be children or teenagers looking for party ideas, or young professionals searching for


It’s Never Too Late: Getting Over a Google Penalty

A Google penalty can take anyone by surprise, even SEO professionals. It could be the result of an algorithm update or a consequence of committing some black-hat SEO tactics. Either way, read on this discussion from Zoo SEO to find out what you are dealing with and how to get back on track. What You

Laptop for Webinar

Webinars: Key Elements & Best Practices

Ah, webinars. Holding a business conference and providing training with a select pool of individuals have never been easier before this technology came into the picture. Convenient, interactive, cost-effective—web conferencing lets you leverage power of content to promote your brand or solutions, educate your audiences, and establish your authority in your industry. As webinars are


More Text, Less Fluff: Words in Web Design

Wonder why some websites now use more words and less pictures instead? Words, not just fluff, grab people’s attention. If your flashy website doesn’t work, you may want to add more words to it. Having fluff may spice up your website, but it may also work against you. Focusing more on words is important for

Outdoor Ad

The Evolution of Outdoor Advertising: How It Helps SMEs

Think outdoor advertising is only for huge companies, such as Google or Vogue? Think again. Small and medium businesses five decades ago were not like they are today. So, outdoor advertising is no longer an impossible choice for you. Back then, newspapers, posters and even leaflets were among the go-to strategies to market a business.

Digital Marketing

Social Media Marketing Myths: 3 Things that Kill Your ROI

In the business world, marketing is like oxygen. It keeps things going; it is the key to growth and better conversions. With social media controlling a huge chunk of the Internet traffic, many business strategists show interest in social media marketing. The interest is noble, but some implementation strategies are not. Many social media marketing

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